schwartz GmbH
Edisonstrasse 5
52152 Simmerath
电话: +49 2473 94 88–10
传真:+49 2473 94 88–11
Registered Office of the Company: Simmerath
Court of Registration: Amtsgericht Aachen, HRB 9103
Registered Managing Director:
Dipl. Kfm., Dipl.-Wjur. Alexander Wilden
VAT: DE 811 190 317
登记法院:Amtsgericht Aachen, HRB 9103
Dipl. Kfm., Dipl.-Wjur. Alexander Wilden
增值税号:DE 811 190 317
All publication items on the website released by schwartz GmbH are protected under copyright law. All rights – including the rights to translation – are reserved. No part hereof may be reproduced by any means, whether by photocopying, microfiche or storage in data processing systems, without the prior written permission of schwartz GmbH, except where different copyright provisions are made in a given text or item.
schwartz GmbH在本网站上发布的所有信息均受版权法保护。我司保留网站翻译的所有权利。未经schwartz GmbH书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式复制本网站内容,如影印、照相或存储在数据处理系统,版权法另有明文规定的除外。
Responsible for the content pursuant to Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz, TMG) and according to Section 55, Paragraph 2 of the State Broadcasting Treaty (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag, RStV): Iris Meyer, Edisonstr. 5, 52152 Simmerath, Germany
根据《德国电信媒体法案》(Telemediengesetz,TMG)第5节以及《国家广播条约》(Rundfunkstaatsvertrag,RStV)第55节第2段的要求:Iris Meyer, Edisonstr. 5, 52152 Simmerath, Germany
schwartz GmbH accepts no liability for any links to other operators’ web pages. The responsibility for the content of such pages rests entirely with their respective providers.
schwartz GmbH对任何外部链接概不承担任何法律责任。其他网页内容的法律责任应由其所有者承担。
Notice with regard to disclosure requirement according to Section 36 of the German Settlement of a Dispute for Consumers Act (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz, VSBG):
All given information on the website of schwartz GmbH and the consequent quotations are explicitly not directed to consumers but directed to businessmen only.
schwartz GmbH网站上的所有信息及其报价的目标群体是商家而非消费者。
RedOrange GmbH
Kölner Straße 57
53894 Mechernich-Kommern
Phone: +49 2443 90 45-0